Worksheets are a thing of the past at Da Vinci Schools, a network of four charter schools and a university transfer and career pathway program spanning grades K-13 in the South Bay of Los Angeles. Instead, students design and build Beats by Da Vinci headphones. They develop sustainable solutions to homelessness in Los Angeles. They create apps and advertising campaigns to discourage smoking and bad habits. They could probably outsmart you in their sleep. Da Vinci Schools’ CEO Matthew Wunder has a vision that all of Da Vinci’s students will grow up to be happy and independent adults who are ready to take their place in the global economy. He and his team realize that they have to think outside of the box in order to make that a reality. By the time Da Vinci students graduate from high school, they are equipped with 21st-century cognitive and career skills, many have explored career pathways through internships and industry partnerships, and those who have taken advantage of dual-enrollment coursework graduate with valuable college credits, putting them at an advantage in the next phase of their educational career.
A DisconnectMany K12 schools and school districts across the country are not effectively preparing students to be independent and to pursue meaningful work as evidenced by low college completion rates and high un- and underemployment rates. Da Vinci seeks to tackle both of these challenges through a cohesive program that prepares students for both college and career. In addition to dual enrollment options and comprehensive college guidance, students are encouraged to consider other viable pathways to success after high school. ”Vocational education and college prep are separate in most traditional schools but should be integrated in a dual track approach,” Wunder believes. “There should be college prep but also career exposure and readiness for all sorts of possibilities.” Students succeed when they can connect what they are learning now with prospective future careers. When education enables the exploration of passions and possible career pathways, students are no longer passive learners; they actively engage in their coursework. Da Vinci Schools facilitate this exploration of interests through project-based learning, 21st-century pedagogy, and real world experiences that bridge the gap between the classroom and the workplace.
Changing the Game - Redefining College and Career ReadinessCollege and career readiness is an elusive term. Da Vinci Communications High School Principal Nathan Barrymore believes that “Reading, writing, critical thinking, the ability to present work, and think through multi-faceted issues are big indicators of preparedness beyond high school.” Wunder adds that, “We are trying to prepare students for jobs that do not yet exist.” That’s no easy task, so where can we start? At Da Vinci, educators “listen to what businesses, professional organizations, and colleges need, then… focus less on what we are teaching our students, and more on how we teach them and the skills we hear colleges and employers need,” Wunder explained. However, despite a focus on tangible skills, Da Vinci educators seem to care most about the intangibles. “We want 100 percent of our students to live happy, fulfilled, productive lives, which is more challenging to measure after graduation,” Barrymore says.
It takes a village Another particularly interesting element of the Da Vinci Schools is the culture. Da Vinci puts a lot of time and energy into designing experiences that promote a strong sense of community. From freshmen overnight bonding experiences to promoting collaboration across interdisciplinary projects, students and teachers work hard to make school enjoyable and fulfilling. Moreover, Da Vinci’s staff care deeply about their students. “We think of ourselves as parents or uncles who are invested to make sure their children are happy and equipped with the skills to do something that they love. Our job is not done when a kid walks across a graduation stage,” Wunder said. In addition to building a cohesive school culture, the Da Vinci “village” extends beyond school walls to connect education to employment and build professional networks that help students secure employment. Unfortunately, all too often, young adults across the country transition from undergraduates to unemployed or underemployed adults -- a strong indicator of poor communication between K12, higher ed institutions, and industry. Da Vinci Schools seek to bridge this gap by partnering with industry and local businesses and organizations to help define the knowledge and skill sets needed for success in the global workplace. Industry also design curriculum projects and prepare students with career ready skills. Students complete projects in every course, and industry professionals are highly involved in designing and supporting these projects. Industry partners may collaborate directly with teachers, serve as guest lecturers to help inspire students’ thinking, or provide feedback after students present ideas to the company. “The role of industry partners is to help us develop projects so students acquire industry knowledge and skill sets that teachers would not know about,” External Relations Director Carla Levenson said. “They help us define those readiness skills and incorporate them in our projects. Industry partners also host internships, field trips, career talks, and much more.” 72andSunny, a leading advertising agency in Playa Vista, CA, is one partner that helps Da Vinci prepare the next generation of creative problem solvers. This year, eight Da Vinci student-interns spent hours immersed at 72’s headquarters exploring storytelling, brand strategy, and production. As a culminating project, they created a Truth ad campaign to stop smoking and then presented it to 72andSunny’s staff. Other students have been paired with a 72andSunny mentor to explore colleges and careers, discuss life management, and more. Amidst the innovation, Da Vinci schools remain human-centric and student-focused. “The people who support our students on a daily basis are what makes Da Vinci schools special. There is no automated formula that will take the place of caring, confident adults and good teachers know that,” Wunder finished. At Da Vinci, education is about collaboration and building relationships within schools and beyond to close the opportunity and skills gap.