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Kicking the Gap to the Curb: Carmen Grads won $3.3 Million in Scholarships

STC school Carmen High School of Science and Technology graduates have earned $3.3 million in scholarships this year. Collectively, graduates coming from various schools in the city won over $31 million in scholarship money. “This is the result of a focus on college and career readiness and an incredible amount of hard work by our students, families, teachers, school counselors, principals, College Access Center staff, and partner organizations including College Possible and Great Lakes Higher Education Guaranty Corporation,” MPS Superintendent Gregory Thornton said. “Last year, I set a goal of $30 million for this year – and we’ve topped it!” The dynamic potential radiating from these scholars is shown in the hard work they put into their education. In a district that was once well below the achievement gap, this accolade is certain proof that any student can obtain success. #BecauseStudentsCan. Read more about it here.

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