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Volunteers come to Bronx Theatre High School with STC

Updated: Aug 22

A spring update from Schools That Can NYC: At Bronx Theatre High School, 9th grade students got to hear from amazing professionals across fields for our Defining Your Path unit! We were joined by Marissa Higgs, a Chicago-based Senior Marketing Strategist at Indigo Slate, Lovina Talukder, LMSW, a Bronx-based Criminal Defense Social Worker with The Bronx Defenders, and politician/activist Nicole Pichardo, the youngest-ever candidate for Congress in the Dominican Republic.

💡 Marissa Higgs spoke on how her path took her from teenage journalist, to English Writing major, to marketing professional.

💡 Lovina Talukder shared how her own experiences as a young person led her to a career in social work.

💡 Nicole Pichardo addressed the class in both English and Spanish and spoke on her "enterprising/persuader" and "social/people person" career personality types, something students also explore in STC's programming, and how these career types appear in her political campaign. These conversations were a total hit with students, and we're grateful for the volunteers who helped us have such incredible discussions!

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