
STC Chats

Welcome to STC Chats, Schools That Can’s blog! Scroll below for interviews with students, partners, and educators, quick takes from Schools That Can’s team, and more.

Year in Review: STC NYC

June 28th, 2019|

This was an exciting year of growth for Schools That Can New York as we’ve expanded programming and brought on new staff. We are now gearing up for a big [...]

Year in Review: STC Chicago

June 28th, 2019|

It’s been a year full of new beginnings for Schools That Can Chicago! We’re currently serving over thirty-five schools, and directly reaching nearly 100 teachers and 600 students, with the [...]

Year in Review: STC Newark

June 19th, 2019|

It’s been an exciting year for STC Newark! This year, we’ve expanded our programming, brought amazing new staff onboard, and hosted the 2019 STC Forum. Our programming directly engaged 100 [...]