Twitter has become a great resource for me to find out about new innovations in education and connect with other like-minded education reformers and organizations. My latest find is the classroom resource LiveSchool.
The LiveSchool application is a real time way to track anything about your students that you want to track including attendance, behavior, homework, hallway passes, incentive "banking systems," and more. The app can be used on any computer, laptop, or iPad. An individual teacher may use it for her classroom, but entire schools can also join and link together, making all data on every student immediately available to every teacher and faculty member, dramatically increasing the efficiency of school wide systems, like behavior rewards. Detailed daily and weekly reports can be given to parents, keeping them more engaged in their child's progress. LiveSchool makes student tracking efficient and easy, and it increases the availability of an extremely valuable tool - teachers' time! Watch this video to hear two very enthusiastic testimonials from teachers who use LiveSchool:Â
LiveSchool in the Classroom from Matthew Rubinstein. I've spoken with the creators of LiveSchool, and they are offering a 20% discount to teachers and schools in our network that mention learning about the app through our website and newsletter. You can request a free 30 day trial here. Let me know what you think! Is your school already using a tracking service you recommend? Share your experiences in the comments below!